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Wednesday 29 September 2021

Emma Lewisham was founded to set a new benchmark in beauty.

Emma Lewisham was founded to set a new benchmark in beauty.

"We are dedicated to leading an industry wide movement towards circular, carbon positive and transparent beauty. So today, we are proud to be sharing our new benchmarks as;"

The world’s first Carbon Positive beauty range

Carbon Positive - our products have a positive environmental impact - we go above and beyond just neutralising our carbon emissions. After reducing our carbon footprint as much as possible, we offset each product's remaining emissions by an additional 25% to be certified Climate Positive (also interchangeably known as carbon positive or carbon negative).

Process & Carbon Reduction - we spent 12 months working with world-leading independent environmental certification agency, Toitū Envirocare, to measure the carbon emissions emitted at each stage of our product's lifecycle. Following this, we implemented an extensive carbon reduction strategy prior to offsetting. Reduction should always come first - in our ideal world, we wouldn’t need to offset at all.

Renewable energy - all Emma Lewisham’s products are manufactured using 100% renewable energy.

Carbon Numbers - every Emma Lewisham product now has a carbon number, showing the kilograms of carbon (kgCO2e) emitted to make each product. We also clearly outline the reduction in carbon emissions between our refills and original packaging, with refills having up to a 74% lower carbon footprint.

Comparison to loss of Arctic sea ice - we felt it was important to make our carbon numbers understandable and relatable. Therefore, each carbon number has been translated into litres of arctic sea ice melted (or maintained) as a result of the quantity of carbon emitted (or reduced).

Why this is important - Carbon emissions are the leading cause of climate change. To create the speed of change we need to begin reversing the climate crisis, neutralising our impact is no longer enough, wherever possible we must all endeavor to create a positive impact.

The world’s first 100% Circularly Designed beauty range

Circular design - our product packaging is designed to eliminate waste - being both refillable and recyclable, with a global takeback programme in place (The Beauty Circle) to ensure this happens - a world first for beauty.

The Beauty Circle - is our free global circularity initiative where we take back all empty packaging to be sterilised, refilled and reused. For any packaging that is no longer viable to be refilled, we ensure it’s recycled through our specialised recycling partner, Terracycle.

Circular Principles - the principles of the circular economy are ‘reduce-reuse-recycle’ as opposed to our current linear economy principles of ‘take-make-waste’. A circular system is about designing out waste through reusing what already exists.

Why this is important - Carbon emissions are the leading cause of climate change and packaging is the single largest contributor of carbon emissions in the beauty industry. This is due to its single use nature, with virtually no beauty packaging being recycled - even those labelled 100% recyclable. Many businesses are falling back on the recyclability of their products as their solution to circularity, however despite being ‘technically’ recyclable, the economics don’t stack up, so if put in your home recycling bin beauty packaging is likely to end up in landfill. This is why circularity initiatives where businesses take ownership of their materials by bringing them back to be refilled, or guaranteeing recycling through specialised partners, is so essential

In addition, we are sharing our Beauty Blueprint (Sustainability IP) Industry Wide

Sharing our sustainability IP - we may be the first in beauty to adopt a circular and carbon positive business model but we don’t want to be the last. Today, we have publically released the IP for our 100% circularly designed packaging and carbon positive model to enable small and large competitors alike to capitalise from our investment and start making widespread change within the beauty industry.

Beauty Blueprint - our Beauty Blueprint includes our extensive research, processes and innovations around refill designs, sterilising processes, packaging suppliers, take back procedures and carbon calculation guides. It can be found at

Why this is important - with the climate crisis only worsening, we must speed up the rate of change. To do this we must prioritise collaboration over competition and begin working to reduce our carbon footprint, eliminate waste and create a truly beautiful beauty industry.

Endorsed by Dr Jane Goodall

To validate these world-first achievements, Emma Lewisham has gained written endorsement from iconic environmentalist, ethologist and United Nations Messenger of Peace, Dr Jane Goodall – who is proud to globally support these industry-shifting efforts.

“New Zealand beauty brand, Emma Lewisham, is demonstrating what it means to be a truly sustainable business. Through their carbon positive and circular business model, Emma Lewisham is creating environmental prosperity and showing their peers that this business model is not just possible but paramount if we are to make a meaningful difference.”

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