Christmas with Kathryn Wilson

To get us in the Christmas spirit, we've asked our favourite shoe designer five festive questions we all want to know...

What are you wishing for this Christmas?

I am looking forward to a few weeks in the Coromandel this Summer, so have been dropping hints to ‘Santa’ about the C&M and Bassike collections online at Sisters & Co so I can be comfortable with my growing pregnant belly by the beach!

What is your ‘go to’ Christmas Day outfit?

This year we will be at the beach so I’m hoping to be in a colourful, pretty dress over a bikini.

Favourite Christmas dish?


Favourite holiday tradition?

‘Elf on the shelf’… my daughter Lola is nearly 4 so she is very excited about Santa and his helpers… we are trying to find new places around the house every day for the Elf to turn up!

What song will get you on the dance floor this Silly Season?

Mariah Carey ‘All I want for Christmas’